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housing costs

Creating more affordable housing is a key issue California officials hope to address with the state's new “Master Plan for Aging.” It outlines five priorities to help make the state more livable for people of all ages, including putting parks closer to homes and making public transit more accessible.
A principios de este año AARP publicó un estudio, titulado “ California Soñando…or Luchando: la Seguridad Financiera de la Generación X y los Baby Boomers,” el cual revela que la mayor parte de los californianos no están preparados para la jubilación y esto es debido en gran parte a los gastos relacionados con la vivienda. En un esfuerzo por combatir estas estadísticas, AARP California comparte, dos veces por semana, consejos y herramientas en nuestras redes sociales que pueden ayudarte a empezar a vivir tu sueño californiano. ¡Aquí está un resumen de lo que fue compartido en agosto!
Earlier this year AARP published a survey, entitled “ California Dreaming…or Struggling: Gen X and Boomer Financial Security,” which reveals that for the most part Californians are not ready for retirement and it is largely due to housing related expenses. In an effort to combat these statistics, AARP California is sharing tips and tools, bi-weekly on social media that can help you start living your California dream. Here is a summary of what was shared in August!
This past Spring AARP published data that revealed the financial plans of California Gen Xers and Baby Boomers and how prepared they are for their financial future. The survey, entitled “ California Dreaming…or Struggling: Gen X and Boomer Financial Security,” reveals that for the most part Californians are not ready for retirement; and while they remain optimistic, many are struggling with issues of housing affordability and difficulty in saving for retirement. In an effort to combat these statistics, AARP California is sharing tips and tools, bi-weekly on social media that can help you start living your California dream. Here is a summary of what was shared in July!
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