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AARP AARP States California

Upgrade your tech skills during this month’s Tea & Coffee Tuesday


Video calls, zoom meetings and just about any virtual hangout have become a part of our daily routines; and more than 80% of adults 50+ have used technology to stay connected during the pandemic, according to AARP’s annual technology survey.

With this recent rise of tech use, AARP teamed up with Senior Planet and its parent organization, Older Adults Technology Services (OATS), to connect older adults to technology-use workshops and resources.

Join us for Tea & Coffee Tuesday on August 10th at 9 am for a conversation with Ryan Kawamoto of OATS/Senior Planet. We will discuss how OATS helps older adults navigate the latest technology online and get digitally connected, as well as classes and services offered. 

Don’t miss this episode of Tea & Coffee Tuesday; click HERE to register today.

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