AARP Eye Center
AARP Survey Reveals Voters Worried About Public Safety, Job Security, Caregiving and High Cost of Living in Chicago
With just a few days left before the Chicago Mayoral election runoff, older voters are sending a clear message to both candidates: address the issues of Chicago’s aging population. AARP Illinois today released a citywide survey of registered voters 45 and older showing that public safety, job security, caregiving, and the high cost of living are top of minds issues, and that voters feel these issues are not being addressed by the Garcia or Emanuel campaigns.
“Chicago has an aging issue, and candidates for City Hall do not seem to be paying attention to it,”
“Chicago has an aging issue, and candidates for City Hall do not seem to be paying attention to it,” said AARP Illinois State Director, Bob Gallo. “We have met with both campaigns to brief them on our voters’ survey with a clear message in mind: residents will decide their vote based on whether they perceive that policies will be implemented to address those issues.”

Over 709,000 Chicagoans are aged 50+, but the numbers will rise quickly over the next few years. A 2011 Crain’s report estimated that more than 2 million Chicago-area baby boomers began turning 65 in 2011, and by 2030 the 65+ population in the area will soar to 1.7 million.
The issues of an aging Chicago population have deep implications for housing prices, health care access, employment, retirement security and public safety, and Chicagoans expect candidates for office and elected officials to address these issues through specific, age-friendly policies.
Check out this Slideshare for even more information from our survey