More than 6.5 million people across the United States, including 76,000 Coloradans, are living with Alzheimer’s disease, the only major disease without a prevention or cure. Sadly, half of those with the disease never receive a diagnosis, preventing needed care and potentially putting these individuals and others at increased risk.
“We weren’t supposed to be able to fly aircraft, we weren’t supposed to be able to win this competition, but we did and we were the best… Mission accomplished.”
At the start of a new year we often reflect on the previous year and make goals for the coming year. Why not make one of your goals for 2023 to “Recognize, Refuse and Report” scams?! While scams can take various forms, there are often “red flags” that are common to many scams. Recognizing red flags will help you avoid most scams. The following are some common red flags that may help you identify if a scammer is trying to steal your money or personal information:
The International Institute for Indigenous Resource Management, Denver American Indian Commission and Denver Museum of Nature & Science are presenting the 2023 monthly Indigenous Film Series. This year, the series will have both in-theater and virtual events.
Erlinda Archuleta and Irene Martinez Jordan are two of 15 AARP Colorado Legislative Advocates tasked with examining bills proposed to the legislature this 2023 session. They determine how the laws would impact older Coloradans, as well as future generations.
One of the AARP Foundation goals is to assist low- to moderate-income taxpayers with FREE tax return preparation to ensure they receive any applicable tax credits and deductions. This year, Colorado has made significant changes that will financially benefit our clients, especially those who have not filed in recent years.
Pushing for legislation to address age discrimination in the workplace is a top priority for AARP during the Colorado General Assembly’s 2023 legislative session, which begins this month.