AARP Eye Center

Once again, AARP Colorado is working with The GLBT Center and Pets Are Wonderful Support (P.A.W.S.) Colorado to provide for the companion animals of older adults, people with disabilities and those facing life-challenging illnesses.
The pet food and supply drive is running from May 8 through June 15, 2013. During this time items, including cat food, cat litter and dog food and supplies for the furry friends of people who need help providing for their pets will be collected.
AARP Foundation recently released new research that found 8.8 million Americans 50 and older are at risk of hunger, including 4.9 million 50- to 59-year-olds. AARP Colorado and The Center, through its SAGE of the Rockies program; along with P.A.W.S. Colorado; know that many of those households have pets.
“This is a great way to help people in your community by providing for their pets,” said AARP Community Outreach Director Jeremiah Mora, who helps coordinate the effort and also volunteers with SAGE and P.A.W.S.
“There are people in your community who are at risk of going hungry, or skipping medications because they put their companion animals’ needs above their own,” Mora said. “The P.A.W.S. drive is a way to help pets and their owners who struggle to make ends meet.”
The pet food and supply drive was so successful during its first and second years that the organizers have decided to promote the drive twice yearly. Last year, more than 5,000 pounds of food was collected. The biggest needs are for bags of dry dog and cat food, as well as kitty litter.
Donations of pet food, supplies or money are being collected at The Center, 1301 E Colfax Ave., Denver, Colo. 80218, between the hours of 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. through June 15. For more information, please call 303-693-1587 or visit