Holidays can be stressful enough, but when you add in a person living with dementia, gatherings with family and friends become more complex. Finding the right gift for our loved ones can be challenging. The Alzheimer's Association offers a caregiver holiday guide that shows how, with careful planning, family celebrations can be a meaningful part of the holidays while ensuring safety, comfort and enjoyment for everyone.
There are many concerns compounding the complexities of choosing to retire. These can include worries of income loss or living on a fixed income to having too much free time. For some, retirement can have an impact on your relationships or your physical and emotional health. Maybe life did not always provide opportunities to save money the way you had hoped. Maybe you didn’t find hobbies that provide the similar sense of purpose we often get from work. Solutions are not always right in front of you. It can take creativity or thinking outside the box.
Life isn’t always well defined after turning 50. Perhaps you’ve decided you don’t want to work in your same career for another 20 years, or maybe you are thinking about retirement and what that means. You might be facing an unexpected career loss or embracing new possibilities for yourself personally or professionally. There are no instructions for this time of life, but there are strategies you can explore.
While Alzheimer’s disease was first diagnosed 115 years ago, it wasn’t until 2021 that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the first medication designed to address the underlying biology of Alzheimer’s. That medication, aducanumab, will be the subject of a free webinar, New Advances in Alzheimer’s Treatments, offered in September by the Alzheimer’s Association.
The Adult Development and Aging Project (ADAPT) research team is currently looking for participants to be a part of a new clinical trial based on a recent successful pilot program.