AARP Eye Center

— This article is by Jessica Costantino, Advocacy Director, AARP Massachusetts.
Like clockwork at the beginning of each new year, AARP volunteers and other advocates descend on the State House for Elder Lobby Day.
Held this year on Monday, Feb. 29, the halls of the State House were filled with volunteers and advocates, who chanted slogans urging legislators to support budget and service priorities for those age 50+. AARP Massachusetts joined with numerous other groups on the Grand Staircase in the State House for the event. Other groups included:
- The Boston Center for Independent Living
- Home Care Aide Council
- Home Care Alliance
- Jewish Community Relations Council/Boston
- Mass Association for the Blind
- Mass Association of Older Americans
- Mass Council of Adult Foster Care Providers
- Massachusetts Association of Councils on Aging and Senior Center Directors
- Mass Home Care
- Mass Senior Action Council
- Mass Aging and Mental Health Coalition
- 1199 SEIU United Healthcare Workers East
The chorus supporting state budget funding and bills that help older Bay State residents remain independent and living with dignity in their own homes and communities was loud and clear.
And not only did legislators hear the roar of the participants, they also had personal visits from AARP members who urged passage of the CARE Act - OnePager - MA Sept Update for SM).
Legislators need to know that we want the CARE Act passed into law in 2016. We also want funding for home and community based care, and we want policies and programs that help strengthen the financial security of the Commonwealth’s residents age 50 and older.
Even though Elder Lobby Day has passed, we need the momentum of the messaging to continue. Don’t delay— call or email your legislators today and urge them to support and pass the CARE Act!