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AARP AARP States Volunteering

Family Comes Together to Help End Hunger

In our final story to share from last week’s Harvest for the Hungry food drive, AARP Foundation's Vice President for Housing Vivian Visallo volunteered for the HfH food drive with help from her two parents (who are also AARP members!) at her local Safeway in Washington, DC. The experience was an incredibly positive one. Here is their family’s story:

“Last Friday, the Vasallo family volunteered for Harvest for the Hungry in order to help meet the needs of hungry seniors in our communities. Paul, 77 (Vivian’s father), and Lucia, 72 (her mother), said, ‘Wearing our AARP shirts attracted people to stop by and ask us what we were doing. We were able to let them know that, sadly, many seniors lack food and that this hunger drive would help ensure seniors in our community would have a meal.’

Paul and Lucia Visallo volunteer in Washington, DC during HfH.















 Many people were happy to support the cause by picking up a bag of groceries for Capital Area Food Bank. The opportunity to give back and spend quality time together was a wonderful way to spend the day - thanks AARP and AARP Foundation!”

- AARP Foundation's Vivian Visallo, who staffed a donation table with her parents at a Washington, DC area Safeway

Regional VP of Mideast States Rawle Andrews stands with the Visallos in a Washington, DC area Safeway.















The Visallos also received a surprise "thank you" visit from AARP's Regional VP of Mideast States, Rawle Andrews! 

This year’s amazing Harvest for the Hungry food drive was not only done with great success, but with humility from AARP staff, volunteers, and partners (including the Capital Area Food Bank). Unfortunately, Maryland remains the 29 th most hungry state in the country. Because of this, these food drive efforts must continue in order to make hunger in Maryland--and across the country--a thing of the past.

Do you want to volunteer your time with AARP in Maryland and help make a difference? Email Jen Holz at  For more information on AARP’s Drive to End Hunger, visit

Read stories from volunteers Aldo and Maria, Elois, and Ed, Marvin and Kelly, and view the complete photo album on Facebook from the Harvest for the Hungry event.


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