AARP Eye Center

Did you know you can fight back against fraud and identity theft by simply shredding your sensitive documents?
Throwing away bank or Social Security statements, health paperwork, and more can make it easy for a scammer to commit fraud by stealing your identity.
Bring your documents and files to our free Shredding Day, which is open to the public, and takes place at Stop&Shop locations in Dorchester and Roslindale.
AARP Fraud Watch Network Free Shredding Day
WHERE: Stop & Shop at South Bay Center, 1100 Massachusetts Avenue, Dorchester, MA 02122, and Stop & Shop at 950 American Legion Highway, Roslindale, MA 02131.
WHEN: Saturday, Oct. 24, 2015, 9 a.m. to noon (at both locations)
RSVP: None required; just bring your papers to be shredded, and we'll see you there!
NOTE: The following items cannot be shredded at the Shredding Day event:
- batteries
- ink
- toners
- glass
- aluminum cans
- electrical items
- cardboard tubes
For more information and tips on fighting fraud and becoming scam-savvy, visit the AARP Fraud Watch Network.