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AARP AARP States Events

Find Your “What’s Next?” With Life Reimagined


Do you ever stop and think about how your life experiences compare to those of the generations before you?  How was reality different for people living in the 1900’s when the life expectancy in the United States was 47 years? How did that shape peoples priorities and perceptions on aging? Today we have added more than three decades to that average. Quite simply, we are living longer, healthier and more active lives than ever before which means that millions of Americans are reaching their 50s and 60s and saying: “Wait a minute. I’m not done yet!” In this environment, with people redefining traditional notions of aging and retirement, a new life stage has emerged. This has led to a fundamental shift in how we think about concepts such as:

  • Our career and working longer
  • Managing our money
  • Maintaining our health
  • Ensuring personal fulfillment

Life Reimagined is a free, first-of-its-kind, series of online and offline experiences designed as a personal guidance system to help people navigate transitions in these areas and more. Life Reimagined is a partner that can be dialed up or back, allowing you to take small steps using resources available online at:,as well as in your local community to  ultimately help map out what you are looking to do next.

Launched by AARP in 2013, Life Reimagined brings together the best thinkers, the latest resources and the collective power of community to offer resources and guidance around key areas including:

  • Work:  AARP has found through research that one of the biggest areas of opportunity for reimagining one’s life is in their career – so we created Life Reimagined for Work as a robust component of the Life Reimagined platform. Log in at: Here you can search for local jobs, network with others looking to create a new career opportunity, and find resources and inspirational stories to keep you motivated and focused on your career goals.
  • Learning: Living longer can mean having the opportunity to learn new things, whether motivated by new career opportunities or to finish something that was started earlier in life – so we partnered with Kaplan to create as part of the Life Reimagined platform.
  • Relationships: No matter what phase of life one may be in, nourishing existing relationships and making new connections allows for the realization of a more gratifying life. Life Reimagined provides tools to help strengthen and develop meaningful relationships in every facet of life.
  • Well Being: The key to living out one’s reimagined life is personal well-being. Designed to help renew the mind, body and spirit, Life Reimagined offers interactive programs and inspirational stories meant to reinvigorate and foster a meaningful existence.

Whether you’re looking to make a complete 180 or just weighing your options, you can engage with Life Reimagined on your terms: online, in person or both. For more information please register at: . You can also watch this video on the Life Reimagined YouTube channel explaining  how the program works.

Follow us on Facebook  or on Twitter at @LifeReimagined.


About AARP States
AARP is active in all 50 states and Washington, DC, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Connect with AARP in your state.