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Meet the City of Satellite Beach

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The city of Satellite Beach has shown its ­­­dedication to age-friendly living by encouraging more walkable streets, easy-access beach paths and universal design homes as a few of its top priorities. The east coast beach town has a population of 10,418, of which 28 percent are age 60 or older.

In 2007, Vice Mayor Mark Brimer and Fire Chief Donald Hughes created a senior fall prevention program and it quickly became a top priority due to the demographic make up of the community. The program was such a success that the Florida Department of Elder Affairs later adopted it statewide.

Popular city recreational programming includes senior fitness classes, police volunteer programs, and social interaction opportunities to boost the vitality and longevity of its older residents.

The city chose to join AARP’s Age-Friendly Network to further its work with the Brevard County Commission on Aging and share their successes and best practices with other communities.


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