AARP Eye Center

Florida resident and proud AARP member Snooty is going to down some serious carrot cake, er, cake of carrots this weekend. Did we mention Snooty is a manatee?
Snooty, the world’s oldest-known manatee, will turn 65 on Saturday at the Parker Manatee Aquarium in the South Florida Muesum in Bradenton, Fla. And they’re throwing a festival this weekend in Snooty’s honor.

Born July 21, 1948, Snooty has been a permanent resident of the aquarium since June 20, 1949. He was declared Manatee County’s official mascot on April 4, 1979.
Snooty is a West Indian manatee – a species divided into the two subspecies of Florida manatees and Antillian (or Caribbean) manatees. (Yes, Snooty is a Florida manatee.) Both subspecies of West Indian manatees are endangered species and have been the subjects of great conservation efforts by federal, state, private and non-profit organizations. State officials say Florida manatees rarely make it past 8 years old.
He is also a rehabilitation manatee and has fostered 26 manatees undergoing rehabilitation.
Snooty wants to share the 65-year-old love: anyone born in 1948 gets free admission to the aquarium, museum and planetarium all year long.
So Snooty, from all your friends here at AARP Florida, have a very happy birthday and glad to see you're eating your fruits and vegetables.
If you can't get enough of Snooty, you can see him any time you want via the SnootyCam.
Enjoy more pictures, courtesy of the Parker Manatee Aquarium.