AARP Eye Center
AARP Florida, the Florida Department of Elder Affairs, and the Miami-Dade Age-Friendly Initiative invites your participation at the 4th Annual Age-Friendly Communities Sharing Symposium

The FREE two-day event is designed for community leaders and partners across the Aging Network and beyond – to advance Age-Friendly and Dementia-Caring practices that enhance life for all Floridians.
By sharing Best Practices, the event will provide you – and your community - with opportunities to:
- Learn from others who are advancing age and dementia-friendly efforts statewide and nationally;
- Connect with leaders from Florida’s Aging Network including the Florida Department of Elder Affairs and the Area Agencies on Aging; and
- Collaborate and align efforts for greater impact across the state’s Network of Age-Friendly Communities.
In addition to hearing from other communities across the state, we are thrilled to present several renowned speakers including:
- Sandy Markwood – CEO of the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a) and contributing author of Making Your Community Livable for ALL Ages– will discuss how current aging network programming advances Age- and Dementia friendly efforts for all persons;
- Richard Prudom – newly appointed Secretary of the Florida Department of Elder Affairs and visionary leader - will inform and inspire your work to better serve aging Floridians;
- Jennifer Johnson - Interim Deputy Secretary, Florida Department of Health - will report on a statewide effort to create an Age-Friendly Public Health system that will benefit the health of all Floridians;
- Danielle Arigoni - Director of Livable Communities at AARP - will share insight across the nation’s 350 + Age-friendly Community Network and discuss ways to propel collective efforts;
- Jeff Johnson - State Director, AARP Florida – will provide the latest information about our growing statewide network and discuss exciting next steps!
You will also hear from other community efforts and leaders who have much to share that can further enhance your community’s age-friendly efforts. We look forward to seeing you on May 14-15 in Miami!
Event details:
Venue: Marriott Miami Dadeland
Date: May 14 noon - 4 pm & May 15 8 am - 2 pm