AARP Eye Center

Every day in Connecticut nearly 500,000 residents perform a labor of love by caring for aging parents, spouses, and other loved ones – unpaid care valued at more than $5.9 billion annually. Caregivers take on a huge responsibility, yet many say they wouldn’t have it any other way. During National Family Caregiver Month, AARP is saying "thank you" to these unsung heroes, and helping to shine a light on the important work they do to support their loved ones and help them remain independent in their own homes and communities.
As part of this effort, AARP Connecticut is sponsoring free Caregiving Coffee Hours at local venues to provide caregivers and the public access to free resources and information about support programs available in Connecticut, as well as a way to connect with others in their community who are caring for a loved one. Local legislators will be available at each location to provide information and answer questions from their constituents. Join us on the dates and locations below to enjoy a free cup of coffee on us and learn more about new legislation that supports family caregivers and their loved ones in Connecticut, pick up your free CARE Act wallet information card, get access to resources for caregivers in your community, and more!
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Ben's Beans, 164 Main St., Putnam, CT
8AM-12 Noon
Guest Legislator: State Senator Mae Flexer
Thursday, December 3, 2015
Plaza Diner, 737 Bridgeport Ave., Shelton, CT 06484
8-11 AM
Guest legislator: State Senator Kevin Kelly
No purchase necessary. These coffee promotions are open to the public and everyone is eligible to attend.