AARP Eye Center

March 30, 2017
Testimony of John DiTomasso
Associate State Director of AARP-RI
Bill H-5413- Earned, Paid Sick Leave
Chairman Craven and members of the House Labor Committee, on behalf of AARP Rhode Island and our over 130,000 Rhode Island members, we are writing to you in support of bill H-5413 that will require all employers to provide their employees with a minimum level of paid sick and safety leave including time to care for the employee's family member.
A phone survey taken of 1,000 age 45+ registered voters from March 11th to March 21st, 2017 found overwhelming support for earned paid sick leave.
Highlights of the survey results include:
- 84% support requiring employers to provide a minimum level of earned paid sick leave for family caregiving
- Over three in four caregivers age 45-plus in Rhode Island, who are currently providing care or who have provided care in the past to a loved one, and who are also registered to vote, say they have had to make at least one modification to their work life to provide care to their loved ones.
- At least 70% of all Republicans, Democrats, and Independents support this requirement.
We would also like to point out a number of problems that have resulted from not having this law.
- Forces those who work but also have caregiving responsibilities to choose between the care of their loved one and the economic security of their family.
- Cannot take paid time off if a family member needs immediate attention (ex. older family member falls)
- Working and providing care for family member can result in more serious health and financial problems for the caregivers juggling the demands of their job and their unpaid caregiver role.
- It unnecessarily endangers public health. When workers – especially those in the hospitality industry and personal care occupations who have among the lowest rates of sick-day coverage – go to work sick because they can’t afford to stay home, that threatens the health of people who come into contact with them, especially those with weakened immune systems such as seniors
AARP –RI urges you to support this bill that will end the practice of forcing family caregivers to choose between caring for loved ones and economic security.
John DiTomasso, Associate State Director of Advocacy- AARP-RI