AARP is helping the Indianapolis Public Library system expand its fraud prevention programming to combat rising fraud losses among older residents. The Outsmarting Scammers series will include consumer protection presentations from the Office of the Indiana Attorney General.
Gary, Indiana recently joined the AARP Network of Age-Friendly Communities. Director of Community Engagement, Emily Gorman, traveled to Gary to attend a press conference where Mayor Melton signed an executive order to launch the AARP Age-Friendly Advisory Council. This executive order will kick start a dedicated effort to actively try to make the city of Gary more inclusive for older adults.
The names of the first 10 Medicare drugs whose prices the federal government will negotiate directly with manufacturers were released Aug. 29. Popular but pricey blood thinners, diabetes medications, cancer treatments make historic list.
Despite their extensive training, advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) are barred by Indiana law from prescribing routine drugs unless they work under a doctor’s supervision. AARP Indiana is urging state lawmakers to ease that restriction.
AARP Indiana has long considered its staff cohesion, communication and productivity to be strengths. But State Director Sarah Waddle knew that even good teams need help to become great. So in 2016 she reached out to Indianapolis-based coach, facilitator and speaker Deseri Garcia of Vida Aventura to help the Indiana staff take the next step.
As the world begins to re-open and COVID-19 vaccines are readily available, the job market is showing signs of recovering from last year’s economic shutdown. To make sure you appear as a top candidate on the jobs you’re interested in, here are a few tips to improve the look of your resume.
As vaccinations become readily available, more and more companies are discussing plans to re-introduce their employees back to the office. However, some employees 50+ are hesitant to make the transition. According to a survey by HR research firm Workspace Intelligence and WeWork, 88 percent of participants 55 or older want some kind of control over where they work. If your office is re-opening and you find yourself hesitant, read on for ways to stay calm and safe as you return to your desk.
Our philosophy on making a difference to and providing value to local communities nationwide is on display in the AARP Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities.