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Health & Wellbeing

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Not sure which Medicare plans and options are right for you or a loved one? AARP is here to help connect you to the resources that may make it easier for you to decide what’s right for you.
Bridge of Grace Compassionate Ministries Center has received an AARP Community Challenge grant to make the Mount Vernon Park neighborhood in Fort Wayne a more walkable, safe and healthy community for residents of all ages.
AARP’s FREE Online Q&A Has Answers
Attend AARP’s Free, Two-Part Webinar
By Diana Lamirand
Join our online Q&A sessions for tools for keeping your 2018 healthy resolutions all year
By Diana Lamirand
AARP Indiana has announced two winners for the AARP Community Challenge, aiming to create change and improve quality of life at the community-level. The winning organizations include the Kokomo YMCA and the Fort Wayne Active Living Coalition. Each project was fully funded through the AARP Community Challenge grant and is set to be completed by November 1, 2017.
Pace of change must accelerate to meet demographic demands
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