Making a difference doesn't stop as you age. Millions of older adults are using their experience to give back, to solve problems, and to change lives. The AARP® Purpose Prize® award honors extraordinary individuals who use their lived experiences to make a better future for all.
AARP Kansas honors six individuals with a combined 60 years of service for their volunteerism, leadership, and advocacy. The organization presented the Annual Andrus Award and Kansas Volunteer Excellence Awards during a recent two-day volunteer recognition and training event.
AARP Kansas invites local eligible non-profit organizations and governments across the country to apply for the 2025 AARP Community Challenge grant program, now through March 5, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. Eastern. AARP Community Challenge grants fund quick-action projects that help communities become more livable by improving public places, transportation, housing, digital connections, and more. Now in its ninth year, the program is part of AARP’s nationwide Livable Communities initiative, which supports the efforts of cities, towns, neighborhoods and rural areas to become great places to live for all residents, especially those age 50 and older.
AARP Kansas wants older residents to be able to stay in their homes and communities, to afford their utilities and to have the resources necessary for health care.
Judy Davis-Cole, of Ottawa, received the 2018 AARP Kansas Andrus Award for Community Service -- the Association’s most prestigious and visible state volunteer award for community service.
As data breach incidents proliferate, a new AARP survey finds that that an alarming number of Kansas residents have failed to take the basic precautions against identity fraud. In response, AARP Kansas and the AARP Fraud Watch Network launched a campaign to raise awareness of identity theft risks and educate consumers on how to enhance the safety of their personal information.
Voting in the mid-term elections is easy for some people – just a quick walk around the corner or a short drive to the polling station. But for others, it may seem impossible.
AARP invites you to attend an evening at the Botanica in Wichita on Tuesday, October 9, 2018 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. This is your opportunity to find out what AARP is doing in the Wichita area and how it is connecting with residents who are 50 and older.
According to the Kansas Corporation Commission (KCC), the application, filed by Kansas Gas Service in June, requests a $42.7 million dollar net base rate increase. If approved, the average residential customer’s natural gas bill will increase by $5.67 per month, an increase of 10 percent. A complete copy of Kansas Gas Service’s application and supporting testimony is available on the Commission’s website.