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AARP AARP States Kentucky Advocacy

AARP Kentucky Lobby Day at the Capitol

2024 Kentucky General Assembly - Lobby Day & Rally

Advocacy in Action: AARP Kentucky Day in the Capitol & Rally

AARP Kentucky needs your support to help drive our legislative priorities in the 2024 General Assembly.

Save the Date: AARP Kentucky Lobby Day & Rally 2024 on Thursday, February 8, 2024 (8:30 a.m. ET – 2:00 p.m. ET).

Online registration is now open, please visit:

Our Annual Lobby Day and Rally in the Capitol brings together lawmakers with AARP Kentucky’s Executive Council leaders, Chapter Members, Community Team members, and grassroots citizen advocates to lift-up the needs of and support priority issues facing Kentuckians 50+.

More details will be provided with your completed registration including two (virtual via Zoom) special issue and grassroots lobbying trainings to support and prepare you in advance of Lobby Day 2024. This is your opportunity for one-on-one meetings your lawmakers and build new relationships, raise awareness, and push for making life more affordable for all Kentuckians 50+.

The 2024 priority issues focus on those that matter most to people 50+, including lowering prescription drug prices, supporting unpaid family caregivers, enhancing retirement benefits, securing essential budget funding for independent living, a safe and quality long-term care system, the senior nutrition programming, and affordable utilities.

AARP Kentucky 2024 General Assembly Priority Issues
2024 Kentucky General Assembly - AARP Kentucky Priorities

AARP will never stop fighting for the health and financial security of all Kentuckians. AARP Kentucky is a fierce defender for the 50+ and remains committed to working with the Beshear Administration and Kentucky Legislature to make Kentucky a more affordable place to live at 50+.

Get involved and stay connected by signing up for real-time text alerts on how AARP is fighting for you: Type "22777" in the “To” field, type the word “JOIN” in the message field on your phone, then follow the prompts.

About AARP Kentucky
Contact information and more from your state office. Learn what we are doing to champion social change and help you live your best life.