AARP Eye Center

Fight Fraud. Shred Instead!
Every 2 seconds, someone’s identity is stolen, but you can take steps to protect yourself!
Join us to fight back against fraud! Don’t miss AARP Kentucky’s free community shredding event Saturday August 12 from 9:00 12 Noon at the AARP Kentucky State Office (parking lot) 10401 Linn Station Road, Louisville 40223 (in J-Town).
This is your chance to securely destroy your sensitive documents you don’t want falling into the wrong hands. This is a free community event. Open to all!
Registration is Required.
To register online visit, Or to register by phone, please call: 1-877 926-8300.
Here’s what you need to know:
• Onsite shredding of your sensitive documents
• Paper shredding only
• Business shredding is not permitted
• All empty containers must be taken back by owner
• 4-box limit per vehicle.