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AARP AARP States Kentucky

What Kentucky Voters Say: Future of Social Security & Medicare


“Rich or poor, young or old, every United States citizen who works and pays taxes should always have Social Security benefits. It is very important to strengthen Medicare and Social Security for all of us.” —Nathan, Crittenden, Ky.


Before Election Day 2012, AARP Kentucky volunteers completed delivery of a new report entitled “Kentuckians Have Their Say about Medicare and Social Security” to Members of Congress and congressional candidates.

The report delivered the opinions of more than 5,550 Kentuckians who participated in You’ve Earned a Say conversations about how to protect Social Security and Medicare for today’s seniors and strengthen them for future generations. AARP volunteers and staff across the country delivered their state-specific reports to presidential and congressional candidates, as well as sitting lawmakers, so they could hear directly from Americans about strengthening these vital programs.[/youtube]


“Through You’ve Earned a Say, we’ve heard from voters from across Kentucky who think that when it comes to the Medicare and Social Security, Washington isn’t listening,” said AARP Kentucky State Director Ron Bridges. “With these reports, we are helping Kentuckians make their voices heard with candidates and lawmakers.”


“People of all ages and across party lines believe Medicare and Social Security are critical to the health and retirement security of older Americans,” added Bridges. “The next President and Congress could determine the future of Social Security and Medicare. Voters want and deserve to know where the candidates stand.”


Through this Kentucky report, sponsorship of the Vice Presidential Debate at Centre College, and ongoing You’ve Earned a Say events, AARP sought to elevate the voices of Kentuckians voters and provide nonpartisan information about candidates’ positions on issues important to Americans 50 and older.


You've Earned a Say

 Read or download the full Kentucky Survey report online.

Add your voice to the AARP Post-election questionnaire and tell President Obama what you think he should do about Social Security and Medicare during his second term. Take the questionnaire now available at

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