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New Writers' Workshop - In Your Own Write

In Your Own Write

If you have ever thought about writing your own book, this free writers' workshop in Louisville is for you!  And maybe it's time to put that family caregiving story into writing.

Join our distinguished panel of published authors from Hydra Publications who will discuss their influences and their writing process.  They’ll also share real-life tips on how you can start writing your very own Great American Novel!

Who: Open to Public

What: Free Writers' Workshop

Where: The Aero Club 3333 Roger E Schupp Street Louisville, 40205

When: Tuesday, April 24, 2018  7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. 

A ticket-less event, online registration requested: 

Hero Images Inc.

During the interactive workshop and in the Q&A, you’ll learn about successful strategies and tactics for new writers to be published.  The panelists include: Tony Acree, Publisher; Pat Paxton, Thriller Writer; Dave Creek, Science Fiction Writer


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