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House Bill 267, which would deny Georgia Power the right to profit from the cost overruns at nuclear power Plant Vogtle, is in front of the state Senate Utilities Subcommittee of Energy, Utilities and Telecommunications for a hearing and vote this morning. The bill would prevent Georgia Power from collecting an 11% profit from residential and small business customers on cost overruns at Plant Vogtle. First thing this morning, the hearing room was full of power company lobbyists.
We'll update you as soon as we know the outcome of the subcommittee meeting, including tips on action you can take to make a difference on the outcome of this needed piece of legislation.
Just last week, Georgia Power filed for approval to exceed its budget of $6.11 billion for the project, bumping the cost to $6.85 billion, a roughly $740 million increase that would be passed along to residential and small business customers.
Stay tuned.