AARP Eye Center

QUICK LINKS to help you get started:
- If you are interested in requesting a speaker in MAINE, please fill out this form.
- Register for our monthly 30-minute Fraud Fighter Zoom call with volunteers Phil and Pam
- Visit the AARP Fraud Watch Network or call the Fraud Victim toll-free Helpline
- To Meet Some of Our Maine Fraud Fighters See Below
Scam Prevention Speakers Now Available – Our team of volunteer fraud fighters is eager to work with local organizations to raise awareness and offer resources. If you are interested in requesting a speaker in MAINE, please fill out this form. Our speakers cover many topics including general scams, identity theft, cyber security, romance scams and more.
People of all ages are taken advantage of through scams and fraud everyday. We need to work together to slow the growth of that number, and equip people with the necessary resources to better spot a scam so they can avoid becoming the next victim.
If you would like to learn more about common scams and how to spot them, consider participating in our monthly Fraud Watch Series put on by AARP Maine. Two of our own volunteers initiated a ‘Fraud Watch with Phil and Pam’ series and all are welcome to attend. Each 30-minute virtual event takes place the second Thursday of the month at 10AM over Zoom. Phil and Pam lead interactive discussions on fighting scams and fraud in Maine. Together, we want to help all Mainers learn how to defend themselves against fraud attempts, which is why these discussions are open to all Mainers, not just AARP members.
To register for the next Fraud Watch with Phil and Pam (which takes place the second Thursday of the month from 10-10:30AM), please click here.
In addition, AARP Maine has speakers available if you are interested in having someone address your group directly. Our volunteers have been trained to deliver presentations on general scam awareness tips, identity theft and other scams, however we can also tailor our presentations if you have a particular scam you would like us to discuss with your group. All of these presentations are offered free of charge. If you are interested in requesting a speaker, please fill out this form.
This is a great opportunity to be able to better protect yourself, your organization, and your community from different types of fraud and scams. We want to help you stay safe, and learn how to be great fraud fighters! Through these presentations you will learn not only how to spot a scam, but also how to stop a scam.
Another resource that AARP offers, whether or not you are an AARP member, is a toll-free scam victim helpline. Have you been a victim of a scam and are not sure what to do? Do you have general questions about a scam you heard about in your community? The AARP Fraud Watch Network helpline can set you on the right path. Simply call at 1-877-908-3360 or visit
If you are interested in requesting a speaker in MAINE, please fill out this form.
If you have any questions please send an email to
To register for the next Fraud Watch with Phil and Pam (which takes place the second Thursday of the month from 10-10:30AM), please click here.
We look forward to hearing from you and remember, if you can spot a scam, you can stop a scam!
Meet Our Fraud Fighters!