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Health & Wellbeing

Get updates on the Affordable Care Act, Medicare, health insurance, and your personal health and fitness.
Even in the best of times, social isolation is a significant problem. In Maine, over 135,000 people 50 and older live alone and are at higher risk of social isolation. Download our free resources flyer here.
Maine residents can schedule new COVID-19 vaccine appointments or walk into a nearby pharmacy to get a shot. Here’s how to find an updated vaccine near you.
Each week, we focus on you through gentle morning yoga and meditation classes. We hope to give you the (virtual) space to center your mind and body so that you’re ready to tackle everything life throws your way.
Savings Possible Thanks to the Prescription Drug Law Championed by AARP
July 30 of this year marks the 59th anniversary of President Lyndon B. Johnson sitting next to former President Harry S. Truman and signing Medicare into law. In 1945, President Truman had proposed a national health insurance that did not discriminate regarding beneficiaries, but it would take twenty years for his vision to be realized in the form of Medicare. Today, millions of Americans could not imagine life without it!
AARP Maine collaborates with other organizations in our state with you in mind. Check out these resources and connect with the opportunities that work best for you!
The law has changed, and it might impact your health care coverage
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