AARP advocates on policy issues that matter most to Maryland residents age 50 and over and their families. In our state legislative advocacy efforts, we rely on our hundreds of volunteers and more than 800,000 members across Maryland.
Patients in Maryland hospitals spent a median time of 247 minutes in the ER before leaving. AARP will work with a coalition of other groups on legislative steps to address the problem.
BALTIMORE (March 18, 2020)—AARP Maryland is applauding the Maryland General Assembly for passing legislation strengthening the health and wellbeing of Marylanders aged 50-plus, even in the wake of their historic decision to end the session early due to the COVID-19 outbreak.
Guest blogger Megan Tracy Benson is deputy director of Empowering the Ages, an organization connecting older and younger generations in their communities in meaningful and mutually beneficial experiences.
AARP Maryland event cancellation notice due to Coronavirus
We’re writing with an important message to let you know that we have canceled our external events until further notice. While convening events is a core part of our mission, we have changed our approach in light of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.
The 2020 census will determine billions of dollars in federal and state funding for programs critical to the well-being of older Maryland residents, and AARP is urging everyone to participate.