Earlier this year, we surveyed our AARP Advocates with a brief, two-question survey asking for their opinion as we continue through an important election year in 2018. We received more than 3,400 responses, and want to share the results with you!
BALTIMORE (October 10, 2018) – Jasmin Marie Duckett of Baltimore has been selected by AARP, the nonprofit organization for people 50 and older, to receive the 2017 AARP Maryland Andrus Award for Community Service—the Association’s most prestigious and visible state volunteer award for community service. AARP Maryland selected Duckett for her remarkable service, including her tireless work on a series of improvements that together help to make her West Baltimore neighborhood a safer and more comfortable place to live— especially for older adults
Updated August 7: The bad health care bill was voted down during the early morning hours of July 28! We thank Maryland Senators Ben Cardin and Chris Van Hollen for voting no to proceed with the "skinny repeal," and for keeping older Marylanders 50+ and their families in mind. Find out how your Senators voted on the bill, and send them a message to tell them what you think! Additionally, read AARP's August 3rd letter to Congress to urge them to work on bipartisan, commonsense solutions to keeping health care affordable.
Maryland ranks 12th among the 50 states when it comes to meeting the long-term care needs of older residents and people with disabilities, up from the 23rd spot just three years ago, but AARP warns more must be done to meet changing demographic demands. While the state posted gains in support for family caregivers with measures such as 2016’s passage of The Caregiver, Advise, Record, Enable (CARE) Act, Maryland continues to lag in the provision of services for adults with ADL disabilities. This, according to a new, comprehensive state-by-state Scorecard from AARP with support of the nation’s leading organizations behind quality long-term care, the Commonwealth Fund and the SCAN Foundation.
Marylanders overwhelmingly (81%) want the legislature work to maintain affordable, reliable, and high quality traditional telephone service, according to a recent AARP Public Policy Institute survey.