Through August 12, AARP is accepting nominations for its 2022 Maryland Andrus Award for Community Service, which honors Marylanders aged 50+ who are sharing their experience, talent, and skills to enrich the lives of their community members.
AARP Maryland is recruiting volunteers to participate as online presenters for the Maryland Speakers Bureau. No public speaking experience is required; AARP will provide all the necessary resources and training.
AARP Maryland’s Speakers Bureau offers presentations on how to get involved with AARP and on a wide array of other topics aimed at people 50 and older. Since the pandemic, the talks have gone virtual.
AARP Maryland is honoring three exceptional Marylanders aged 50-plus for their volunteerism and commitment to service. The awards were formally presented October 8 before nearly 80 guests at a virtual ceremony.
Guest blogger Megan Tracy Benson is deputy director of Empowering the Ages, an organization connecting older and younger generations in their communities in meaningful and mutually beneficial experiences.