AARP Eye Center
Did you know AARP holds free community programs on preparing for retirement, how to age in place, caregiving, vital aging, preventing scams, and that AARP fights on real issues that matter to you and your family?
We do all these things in order to support our community here in Oregon, because as our founder, Dr. Ethel Percy Andrus said, “What we do we do for all.” However, we are not alone in that support. Many of our 500,000+ members, spanning across Oregon, are in their communities helping to make them better.

With that in mind, we have decided to share with you some of our incredible members and their accomplishments in their communities.
This first article of this occasional series is written about Roberta Schwarz, an AARP member from West Linn who has spent her life helping others and has now has dedicated herself to improving her community by helping preserve a natural oak forest, the White Oak Savanna. Her efforts have turned what was once destined to be a commercial business complex into a natural park.
If you’re interested in volunteering in your community or with AARP Oregon visit