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AARP Montana

Helping Montanans over 50 live their best lives
MAR 26, 2025
Flexible, mobility friendly and energy efficient, ADUs offer more options for older Montanans to remain in their homes and communities as they age.
MAR 25, 2025
As we mark the 90th anniversary of Social Security this year, it’s a good time to reflect on its profound impact on American society since its creation in 1935. Signed into law during the Great Depression, Social Security emerged as a foundation of hope and stability for millions of Americans facing economic uncertainty. Today, over 65 million Americans receive the money they've earned over a lifetime of hard work —253,000 Montanans receive Social Security.
MAR 24, 2025
AARP is fighting to keep Social Security strong for you, your family and future generations.
MAR 19, 2025
.With skyrocketing property values in Montana, comes skyrocketing property tax bills. AARP Montana wants to remind Montanans about several tax relief programs.
Find free online and in-person local events designed with you in mind. Discover fun exercise classes, healthy cooking demos, helpful workshops, and more.
Protecting Montanans from fraud & identity theft has long been an AARP priority. Take advantage of FREE document shredding on Fraud Fighting Fridays
By Sandy Bailey, AARP Montana Volunteer State President
There are several ways to participate in the live event!
Would you like a little encouragement and a nudge to begin (or continue) a walking routine?
The two Polish-born sisters — one a centenarian, the other close behind — figured they’d never see each other again. That is, until AARP stepped in.
Join Us for an unforgettable evening with Pure Prairie League live in concert in Helena on July 31!
Looking for a fun, free, indoor fitness option this winter? Look no further!
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Connecting you to what matters most, like neighbors do. Find events, volunteer opportunities and more near you.
About AARP Montana
Contact information and more from your state office. Learn what we are doing to champion social change and help you live your best life.