Albuquerque Isotopes baseball season begins later this month with opening night Friday, March 28, against the Sacramento River Cats. And AARP New Mexico plans to be part of the season in a couple of ways.
The first is a special ticket offer. AARP New Mexico is partnering with the Isotopes to offer a buy one, get one free for any Tuesday, Isotopes home game in the Reserved and Berm levels. Tickets must be purchased in multiple of 2s.
Does your organization have a quick turnaround project? There is still time to submit an application for the 2025 AARP Community Challenge Grant cycle. See how Bike Santa Fe leveraged their funds.
The city of Santa Fe is proud to announce its enrollment in the AARP Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities, a program dedicated to promoting livable communities for people of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities.
The Paid Family and Medical Leave Act, House Bill 11, made it through its first committee. The House Health and Human Services Committee Monday passed the bill, on a 6 to 4 vote. It now heads to the House Commerce and Economic Development Committee. Learn more. . .
AARP New Mexico staff and volunteers gathered Thursday with other supporters to discuss the future of the Paid Family and Medical Leave Act. Senate Bill 11 was one of AARP’s priorities for the 2023 Legislative Session.
Despite being passed by the Senate, the bill was tabled by the House Commerce and Economic Development Committee earlier this week, ending the bill for this Session.
“Providing family caregivers with more resources, especially those that allow them to continue to work while caring for a loved one, is a top priority for AARP,” said Othiamba Umi, AARP New Mexico Advocacy Director.
With just over 18 days left in the 2023 New Mexico Legislative Session, things are moving slowly but in traditional fashion expected to start speeding up with marathon sessions taking place in both houses as the days start to dwindle.
To date, there are no bills on the Governor’s desk but 20 have passed both houses and are waiting nearby.
“Given that there are only a few weeks left in the 60-day session, Things seem to be moving unusually slow with many bills stuck in committees,” said Othiamba Umi, Advocacy Director for AARP New Mexico. “Two of our priority bills on financial exploitation of elders and supported decision making, an alternative to guardianship, cleared their first committee in late January but are still waiting for a hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee.”
AARP New Mexico is joining with America Walks to offer a six-month, distance-learning fellowship program for people interested in advocating to make their communities more walkable.
Participants, known as fellows, will complete a series of modules covering leadership development, coalition-building, walkable community design, local public policy, and strategic planning.
Christmas came a little early for Rose Artemis this year – two months early in fact at the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta.
For Rose, her dream was to ride in a hot air balloon. And well, as New Mexicans know – we have a lot of those. You might say Rose’s dream was a wish of a lifetime.
AARP New Mexico staff and volunteers will be walking the halls of State Capitol come January 17, focusing on several bills that will address such issues as financial security, support for family caregivers, guardianship reform and expanding broadband.
AARP New Mexico is once again a proud sponsor of the 2022 Alzheimer’s Association New Mexico Chapter Caregiver Conference.
This year’s event will feature a special concert by country artist Jay Allen, a previous contestant on NBC’s the voice. Allen's performance is open to conference attendees only but there is still time to register.
AARP New Mexico is excited to welcome Albuquerque-area caregivers for a night out in celebration of National Family Caregivers Month. “Care to Laugh: A Night of Comedy and Respite Featuring Jesus Trejo,” will take place on Wednesday, Nov. 9, at 6 p.m. at the National Hispanic Cultural Center. Learn more.
AARP New Mexico recently announced four organizations throughout the state will receive 2022 Community Challenge grants – part of the largest group of grantees to date with $3.4 million awarded among 260 organizations nationwide.
Grantees will implement quick-action projects that help communities become more livable in the long-term by improving public places; transportation; housing; diversity, equity and inclusion; digital access; and civic engagement, with an emphasis on the needs of adults age 50 and over.
AARP New Mexico seeks nominations for its 2022 state Andrus Award for Community Service, which honors 50 plus New Mexicans who are sharing their experience, talent, and skills to enrich the lives of their community members.
“AARP New Mexico is excited to highlight and honor individuals who are using what they have learned in life to make a difference in their communities,” said Joseph P. Sanchez, AARP New Mexico State Director.