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AARP New Mexico State Director Gene Varela and State President Jackie Cooper recently presented Albuquerque Mayor Richard J. Berry with a certificate formally enrolling the city into the AARP Network of Age-Friendly Communities. The presentation was made Nov. 21 at the Barelas Senior Center.
The city of Albuquerque Department of Senior Affairs and AARP New Mexico want to get your ideas about what makes a city “Age Friendly” at the Albuquerque Age-Friendly Solutions Forum being held Thursday, Sept. 28, at the Albuquerque Convention Center. The free event is from 8:30 a.m. to 2.15 p.m.
Did you know how your shoes fit can keep you from falling? Find out if your shoes fit correctly and other ways to prevent falling at a special Falls Risk Screening event.
AARP New Mexico is sponsoring a special play that looks at caregiving and aging: STILL IN THE GAME by Robert F. Benjamin, is an upbeat family drama about aging with grace, courage and humor, will be on stage in Santa Fe at Teatro Paraguas from Aug. 10-20, 2017.
A Matter of Balance, an evidenced based, fall prevention training program, and AARP New Mexico seeks individuals interested in becoming volunteer coaches for this new program.
Health Action New Mexico, in partnership with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, is bringing a special training session on the basics of Medicare to the Albuquerque Area.
Patient Insight seeks people who are interested in sharing their person health-care experiences. Patient Insight is a small group of people who will help make health care better for their families, friends and neighbors, created by HealthInsight New Mexico. Patient Insight exists to learn from experiences: the best ideas come from people who have been to the doctor, been in the hospital or taken care of someone who is sick. Your input is valuable: HealthInsight New Mexico wants your ideas to help shape their work in making health care better.
AARP New Mexico will focus on two main priority bills for the 2017 New Mexico Legislative Session – the first focusing on paid leave for family caregivers and the second will study retirement savings options.
State leaders will brainstorm viable ways to help stop hunger in New Mexico as part of a one-day summit on Tuesday, Sept. 27.
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