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AARP Ohio Reviews are in for CEO Jo Ann Jenkins’ Speech on Disrupt Aging


AARP CEO Jo Ann Jenkins spoke at The City Club of Cleveland on Friday, April 8, 2016 in support of her new book, Disrupt Aging.  AARP Ohio was honored to host a number of our community partners, volunteers and leaders to hear Ms. Jenkins speak.   To watch or listen to the event, please visit The City Club of Cleveland’s website.

Here’s a roundup of reviews from AARP Ohio volunteers:

Mike Barnhart, state president:  Disrupt Aging, what a powerful concept!  Jo Ann Jenkins is on to something really great.  Someone said, “The problem with growing older is you don't get a chance to practice.”  Well that's true of any age.  So where do we get the notion that as we age we become less productive, more of a burden, etc.?  It comes from the culture.  Thank you Jo Ann for changing the conversation about aging.  Now, everyone read the book and put it to use.

Cris Hughes, Cleveland volunteer: Jo Ann Jenkins’ mesmerizing speech empowered me to embrace my age boldly. Her book, Disrupt Aging, is a brilliant, straightforward dynamic


movement that will absolutely improve the perception of aging for the better.

Stan Levine, Lorain volunteer: The atmosphere at City Club was electric; clearly Club leadership was affected by the enthusiasm of the attendees. The crowded room was bubbling over with interest in both speaker and subject. I've been to a number of other events at this venue but never seen such a keen level of expectation.

Millie Sretenovic, Cleveland volunteer leader: Jo Ann Jenkins is the best speaker I’ve ever heard at the City Club.  She’s a believer in what she is presenting, and it comes through.  I wanted her to be my best friend!  I’ve been telling friends about the book and about her key concepts:  self, health, wealth, and happiness.  Ms. Jenkins had some tough questions given to her, and she handled them well.  I was proud to volunteer for an organization with such an incredible leader.

Earl Goldhammer, executive council member:   Jo Ann Jenkins' speech at The City Club of Cleveland.  Her well organized and provocative speech strengthened my confidence that I can achieve as an older person.  I was particularly impressed with her rejection of phrases such as "60 is the new 40."  She emphasized that we don't have to be ashamed of our age.  Those of us who are older can bring to bear our wisdom and experience in solving problems.  It was a great and inspiring speech.

Linda Feagler, Cleveland volunteer:  Beloved children's author Laura Ingalls Wilder didn't publish her first book about what life was like living in the Little House on the Prairie until 65.  Former President Ronald Reagan won election to his first public office as governor of California in 1966. He was 55. Is it time to Disrupt Aging? Yes, indeed. Jo Ann Jenkins sounds the call to action brilliantly by inspiring us to proudly embrace our "number" with the passion and vigor each of us continues to possess.


Photos by Jerry Mann

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