The new Caring for Caregivers Eligibility Tool walks family caregivers in Oklahoma through five questions to determine if they qualify for the family caregiver tax credit.
The AARP Foundation’s Tax-Aide program is offering free tax preparation services across Oklahoma until April 15, focusing on adults with low to moderate income.
The discussion will focus on AARP’s continued advocacy efforts at the Oklahoma Corporation Commission regarding utility rate hikes for OG&E and PSO customers.
House Bill 3318, by Rep. Steve Bashore (R-Miami) and Sen. Bill Coleman (R-Ponca City), proactively prevents and prohibits unscrupulous brokers from misleading homeowners into signing decades-long agreements that give the real estate brokers the exclusive right to sell the homes.
Join AARP Oklahoma and Healthy Living Norman for a presentation that will arm you with the latest data on fraud trends and provide tips and resources to protect yourself and your family.
The Oklahoma County Sheriff, FBI, the Oklahoma Insurance Department, and AARP Oklahoma are hosting the second annual Fraud Prevention Conference series. On July 19,
Leading up to the Route 66 centennial in 2026, the Oklahoma Route 66 Centennial Commission members and partners are introducing resources community stakeholders can use to rev up planning and development efforts.
Please join AARP Oklahoma as we honor our fallen military veterans on Memorial Day weekend. AARP Oklahoma is proud to sponsor the Field of Heroes memorial at Veterans Park in Tulsa from May 25 to 27.