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AARP Oklahoma

All the news that matters for 50+ Oklahomans
Ride the wave of friendship and fun by joining the Tulsa Ethel Gathering Group. Connect with a community of vibrant, enthusiastic, mature women in a safe space to share your insights on aging, post questions, get advice, build relationships, hang out in person and so much more.
Join us at Guthrie Green in Tulsa for 18 sound bath and guided meditation events to nurture your mind and body throughout the year.
Join us for an extraordinary evening as music legends Jackson Browne and Taj Mahal take the stage to honor the legacy of the much-missed singer-songwriter-guitarist Jesse Ed Davis with Joy Harjo and the Grafitti Band.
Nominations are open for the 16th annual AARP Oklahoma Native American Elder Honors, which celebrates 50 Native American elders who have positively impacted our country, state, communities and Indian Country.
The Senior Planet program provides digital literacy training to older adults and empowers people to embrace opportunities to reshape their lives.
Of the 312,492 veterans in Oklahoma, only 33% have used their benefits at VA health care, according to U.S. Census Bureau.
AARP Oklahoma is fighting against Oklahoma Gas and Electric’s (OG&E) attempt to pass along $750 million worth of its mistakes to customers for decades to come and calling on Oklahomans to also raise their voices and fight back.
Residents and visitors to Tulsa’s Historic Greenwood District now have a new place to play, gather and exercise, thanks to a new AARP-sponsored outdoor fitness park. The fitness park is located at 698 E. Jasper St. in the B.S. Roberts Park, across the street from Langston University - Tulsa campus.
AARP Oklahoma encourages its members and all PSO customers to reach out to the Corporation Commission at and share stories about how the proposed $172 million rate increase will affect them.  
An AARP-sponsored exercise facility is opening in the historic Greenwood District of North Tulsa.
Learn the latest on open enrollment and changes to Medicare for 2021. You’ll also learn about Part D drug coverage options and extra help that may be available from Medicare’s Medicare Improvement for Patients and Providers Act (MIPPA) program.
Help your Oklahoma neighbors through tax season
AARP Oklahoma is looking for our next State President – the top volunteer position that helps provide high-level strategic advice, oversees the Executive Council and diverse volunteer corps, and advocates on behalf of people ages 50 plus. If you are an experienced leader who has a strong knowledge of our state’s demographics and political environment, this position is for you.
To support counties, cities, towns, villages, and rural areas in those efforts, AARP has released a free resource guide, "The American Rescue Plan Act and Older Adults: Opportunities and Resources for Local Leaders."
AARP Oklahoma has announced three local organizations will receive 2021 Community Challenge grants – part of the largest group of national grantees to date with $3.2 million awarded among 244 organizations. Grantees will implement quick-action projects to promote livable communities by improving housing, transportation, public spaces, civic engagement, and connection with family, friends, and neighbors, emphasizing the needs of the 50-plus population.
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Contact information and more from your state office. Learn what we are doing to champion social change and help you live your best life.