AARP Eye Center

Did you know that people who volunteer are happier and have better health? Research shows that volunteers have more meaningful connections in their community and experience greater life satisfaction. That’s why we are excited to invite you to join us at two upcoming events to learn about volunteering in your community.
AARP is working in Portland to help enhance the livability of our city. We are part of the Portland Age-Friendly Initiative which addresses key issues like health, transportation, housing and civic engagement. In addition, we sponsor activities to fight hunger and promote active healthy living.
This year we are focusing on concerns of adults as we age in our neighborhoods and what our communities need to be truly great places for people of all ages and abilities. We hope you will join us at an upcoming AARP Age-Friendly Volunteer and Member Session to learn about what will make our communities age-friendly, meet others in your community who want to make a difference, and find out how YOU can get involved!
Presentations and Handouts from the events:
AFVofl forum polling FINAL from March 4th Session
ADeLaTorre_AARP 3.4.15 Toward and Age-Friendly Portland - Dr. Alan DeLaTorre
KSchlosshauer_AARP_Mar2015 Age-Friendly Transportation - Kari Schlosshauer
CNagel_aarpMar15 Health and Built Environment - Dr. Corey Nagel
AARP Volunteer Application materials
Updated Volunteer Position Description 2015(2)
Wednesday, March 4, 8:30am-11:00am
Doubletree Lloyd Center
1000 NE Multnomah Street, Portland
Enjoy breakfast and an age-friendly panel discussion featuring Dr. Alan Delatorre, PSU Institute of Aging and Kari Schlosshauer, Regional Manager for Safe Routes to School National Partnership, Dr. Corey Nagel, OHSU, Joan Corella, Elders in Action and other speakers who will discuss health, transportation, housing issues and more.
Thursday, March 12, 6pm to 8pm
Multnomah Art Center
7688 SW Capitol Hwy, Portland
Join us for an informal gathering with discussions on age-friendly topics led by local experts, including Dr. Alan Delatorre, PSU Institute of Aging and and AARP staff and volunteers. Enjoy pizza and a drink while learning about issues that matter to you, your friends, family and neighbors.
Please call 1-877-926-8300 or visit to register for one of these events today. When registering by phone, please identify the event as “AARP Age-Friendly Sessions.” Registration is required and seating is limited. There is no obligation to sign up as a volunteer. We look forward to seeing you soon!
Don't miss the blog post on volunteering by Elaine Friesen-Strang who serves on AARP Oregon's Volunteer Executive Council.