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AARP Pennsylvania

Reimagining the possibilities of life for Pennsylvanians
With Pennsylvania’s general election just 47 days away, data from AARP shows that voters age 50 plus decide elections, and they want politicians to address the issues that matter most to them and their families.
Each year, AARP works in partnership with local leaders, organizations, and dedicated residents to help make that vision a reality. As part of that effort, AARP is excited to announce the largest investment of grant dollars to date through the AARP Community Challenge grant program. More than $3.8 million in quick-action grants are being distributed to 343 projects across all 50 states, Washington D.C., Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
AARP Pennsylvania recently released key findings from its first 2024 election survey that shows candidates should pay close attention to Pennsylvanians age 50 and older. The survey also revealed that the priorities and concerns of Pennsylvania women voters 50 and older will likely influence the outcome of the 2024 election and could be the difference in this election.
Nearly 9 million Americans 50+ are at risk for hunger every day – a staggering 79 percent increase in just 10 years. AARP Foundation’s Drive to End Hunger is working to combat hunger among people 50+ through education, partnerships and innovative approaches that address the root causes of hunger in America.
It has gotten hot in Pennsylvania over the last few weeks – oh, and the weather is pretty uncomfortable too. As the Commonwealth continues to operate without a budget, the Governor and the Republican majority in the General Assembly continue to accuse each other of failing to negotiate in good faith. But without anything new to report on this, let’s take a look at another public policy issue that’s in the news and of critical importance to Pennsylvanians.
The cost of electricity is a big concern to most Pennsylvanians. As a state which has de-regulated its electric generation service, consumers may choose which company provides the electricity that runs your appliances and turns on your lights. But electric distribution service, the wires and poles that bring electricity to your home, is still regulated by the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC). Changes to both sides of the electric utility equation are being considered which could impact your electric bill.
AARP released results of a new survey to celebrate the 80th Anniversary of Social Security on August 14. Americans of all ages continue to have strong feelings of support for Social Security, and the survey found several key themes. According to the national survey of adults, Social Security remains a core part of retirement security, and remains popular across generations and political ideologies. Americans want to live independently, but face challenges around saving for retirement that underscore the importance of Social Security for future generations of beneficiaries.
It’s ba-ack.
You're likely to live a longer, healthier life if you stay active, and AARP members and guests can trim costs as well with a 20% discount from Venture Outdoors. The nonprofit organization connects people of all ages and physical capabilities to recreational opportunities in Southwestern Pennsylvania, promoting exercise amid the scenic beauty of the area. Activities include kayaking, hiking, biking and fly fishing, which promote endurance, flexibility, balance and strength - fitness goals recommended by the National Institute of Aging. To register for an outing, go to the Venture Outdoors website and use code Q1F0WPQT. The discount is good through Oct. 31, 2015.
You would think that the big news coming out of the State Capitol this week would be the crisis caused by entering a sixth week without a state budget. But, sadly, you would be mistaken. It seems the state budget is taking a backseat, at least in the attention of elected officials, the public, and the media, to the storyline of Attorney General Kane.
Mayor Nutter Encourages Philadelphians to Participate in Survey to Improve Safety, Transportation, and Housing
It’s ba-ack.
Earlier this year AARP PA State President Jim Palmquist and staff met with Pennsylvania’s Congressional delegation to discuss a number of issues affecting older Americans. A few of the issues that were discussed have moved forward recently. Here’s a “then and now” that describe the issues and recent developments:
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