The AARP-backed bill would require employees of financial institutions to put a hold on transactions if they suspect a person 60 or older is a victim of fraud.
The Pennsylvania Department of Aging and Area Agencies on Aging are developing a 10-year Master Plan for Older Adults, hoping to guide policymakers on ways to ensure older Pennsylvanians and those with disabilities get the support they need. Exorbitant rents, transportation troubles and a shortage of home care workers are among the issues the plan will address.
Mary Bach has spent years traveling the state to help consumers protect themselves in the marketplace. As she says: “It’s your money we’re talking about. I don’t care if it’s a couple of pennies or several dollars.”
Introduced last summer, the Yoga and Mindfulness series was so popular that it continues in 2023 as part of a lineup of healthy living programs that AARP Pennsylvania offers to keep people over 50 moving.
The AARP Community Challenge grant program awarded money to Thomas Jefferson University to build a garden to combat social isolation by turning vacant land into green space for neighbors to gather.
Milly Laible, 70, sits in Bethlehem, smiling into a computer screen and getting her audience moving. Some of them are thousands of miles away. One woman has even exercised along with Milly from her apartment in Shanghai.