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AARP Pennsylvania celebrated the inclusion of a $50 million increase in Home and Community Based Services funding from the Pennsylvania Lottery in the 2013/14 Pennsylvania Budget signed into law by Governor Corbett Sunday evening.
AARP Pennsylvania Volunteers Visit Capitol Hill to Urge Separate Social Security Debate, Press for Responsible Solutions to Strengthen Medicare
According to the Southeastern Pennsylvania Household Health Survey, there are nearly 122,000 households in Southeastern Pennsylvania that must reduce the size of meals or skip meals entirely, because they cannot afford to purchase adequate amounts of food. These statistics, among others, serve as a platform for AARP - in partnership with the AARP Foundation - to award several micro-grants to Philadelphia based community organizations aiding the costs of serving the vulnerable 50+ in the fight against hunger.
There are over 347,000 seniors in Pennsylvania who face hunger! According to the Food Research and Action Center (FRAC), Pennsylvania’s First Congressional District – which includes Chester, South Philadelphia, and parts of North Philadelphia – is ranked as the 2 nd hungriest district in the nation. As a result, AARP Pennsylvania has collaborated with the AARP Foundation to end hunger among older Americans through a variety of initiatives designed to provide both short-term support and long-term, sustainable solutions to the problem of older adult hunger across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
AARP Pennsylvania staff and volunteers celebrated the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, by participating in local events across the state that echoed the belief of its founder Dr. Ethel Percy Andrus, "To serve, not to be served."
Good things happen when AARP shows up and begins by listening to what a community needs. And that is just what we did in 2012.
AARP launched You’ve Earned a Say<> back in March, and PA residents have not been shy about entering the national conversation about how to protect Medicare and Social Security for today’s seniors and strengthen them for future generations. So far the You’ve Earned a Say has engaged over 3 million people nationwide.
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