To coincide with Tax Identity Theft Awareness Week, the AARP Fraud Watch Network is launching an education effort to help people protect themselves from tax scams, releasing a new video, a tip sheet and encouraging people to take advantage of AARP’s free tax preparation services.
With summer blockbuster season in full swing, AARP’s Movies for Grownups on YouTube<>, is the place for previews of upcoming movies, reviews of current theatrical and home video releases and interviews with filmmakers whose work reflects the hopes, dreams, and experiences of older moviegoers. These movies aren’t just for the youngsters anymore, there is a wide variety of movies for the grownup moviegoer.
AARP Pennsylvania staff and volunteers celebrated the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, by participating in local events across the state that echoed the belief of its founder Dr. Ethel Percy Andrus, "To serve, not to be served."
AARP Pennsylvania today applauded Governor Corbett’s pledge to channel an additional $50 million in Lottery proceeds to existing home and community-based programs serving older Pennsylvanians in his proposed 2013-14 state budget as an important first step toward balancing the state’s long-term care systems and supports.