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AARP AARP States Health & Wellbeing

Programs to Assist with Senior Hunger


Did you know South Carolina ranks third lowest in the nation for food security for individuals age 60 and older? Hunger is a condition that is invisible to the naked eye. Many people underestimate the day-to-day struggles of those who are age 65-plus. With the average Social Security check just over $1200 per month, it is hard for many seniors to deal with their monthly expenses and pay for nutritional food.
Fortunately the SC Department of Social Services has five programs that can help seniors. These programs are designed to help our older adults purchase nutritious and healthy food, a key factor in making sure they can remain in their homes and communities.

Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP) provides income eligible seniors ages 60 and older a way to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables. Participants apply in person with proof of identity at the designated distribution location within their county of residence. This program is available once per year in 37 SC counties (not available in Bamberg, Barnwell, Cherokee, Edgefield, Fairfield, Laurens, Lee, McCormick and Newberry)

The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) TEFAP provides income eligible individuals with emergency food and nutrition assistance. This program is available to all income eligible individuals, including seniors. Food must be picked up at an eligible recipient agency. Participants must complete an application and show a valid photo ID.

The Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) provides monthly nutrition information and a monthly food box for individuals who are 60 years of age or older. Income is used to determine eligibility and valid photo identification is needed to complete application. Food banks in our state administer this program.

The Elderly Simplified Application Project (ESAP) is a special service for those age 60 and older that simplifies the application process for Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits. All household members must be 60 years or older, not working and meet income guidelines. No need to go to a DSS office, just call 1.888.898.0055 to receive an application in the mail.

To learn more about these programs, 225601-state-sc-hunger-facts-brochure-final1 from AARP South Carolina  If you would like a speaker to visit your civic club to talk with your members about this project, email AARP South Carolina.

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