AARP Eye Center

Invite your friends to Rediscover Shakespeare and the classics this season with performances by the Cincinnati Shakespeare Company.
AARP members and their guests are invited to take advantage of a 15% AARP member discount throughout the Cincinnati Shakespeare Company’s current Subscription Series, which reopens on January 22 and continues through June 4, 2016.
Click on the title to learn more about each play that Cincinnati Shakespeare Company is presenting this season at its Race Street theater:
Henry VI – The Wars of the Roses, Part 1 -- January 22 – February 13
Jane Austin’s Emma -- February 26 – March 26
Julius Caesar -- April 8 – May 7
Antony & Cleopatra -- May 13 – June 4
For more information or to purchase tickets at the AARP member discount, call the Cincinnati Shakespeare Company’s box office a 513-381-2273, extension 1.
The Cincinnati Shakespeare Company’s theater is located at 719 Race Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202.