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Learn how government policy and elections affect older Americans, and how AARP is fighting for them in Congress and across the country.

AARP AARP States Volunteering

Sign Up to Volunteer with AARP DC


Share your time and expertise volunteering on behalf of the District's older residents. You are invited to spend time with AARP DC volunteering as team leaders for AARP DC projects, onsite at our events, as an office helper, as workshop presenters, writing feature stories for the AARP DC blog, or monitoring legislative issues that come before the City Council. Bilingual (English-Spanish or English-Chinese) volunteers are  especially needed, but all are welcomed. Sign up today to be an AARP DC volunteer by going to: or by calling Jacqueline Jordan at (202) 434-7703.

About AARP States
AARP is active in all 50 states and Washington, DC, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Connect with AARP in your state.