AARP Eye Center

A few months after starting AARP in 1958, Ethel Percy Andrus, AARP’s founder, opened a Hospitality Center in St. Petersburg. The center welcomed Northern retirees visiting Florida in the winter and offered a place for those interested in the new association to receive discounts on prescriptions and medical supplies. Back then, AARP was helping Americans 50+ explore real possibilities in Florida.
Fifty-six years later, AARP is still in Florida offering programs and services designed to help people explore and achieve their Real Possibilities. Whether AARP is helping you navigate life choices facing everyone 50+, advocating for safer streets and better support for family caregivers, or offering volunteer opportunities to make communities stronger and safer, we create and connect you to valuable resources and fight for you, your family and your community on issues that matter the most:
Longevity Economy: Florida has America’s highest proportion of 65+ residents, and yet some elected and business leaders hold surprisingly negative views of a 50+ population. AARP Florida is challenging those views by highlighting the enormous financial, entrepreneurial and social contributions that older residents make to the state.
Supporting Caregivers and Your Independence: AARP Florida believes you should remain in your home and community as long as you wish to do so. We also strongly support caregivers who support older loved ones. Whether you prefer to live in your later years at home, in a community-based service or in a residential facility, AARP fights for better services and support for you.
Financial Security: You have worked hard to earn your private savings, your Social Security benefits and your Medicare benefits. AARP Florida is working just as hard to protect what you’ve earned. By encouraging savings, fighting fraud, providing tools and resources and by highlighting Social Security’s positive impacts to policy makers and opinion leaders, AARP Florida is working to equip you with the tools you need to enjoy the financial security you earn.
Fraud Watch Network: Nationally, Florida ranks first in reported cases of identity theft and has been a target for many scammers. That’s why AARP Florida joined the AARP Fraud Watch Network. This network provides access to resources and information on how to protect your family’s financial security. Come out to a Scam Jam Event, sign up for the Watchdog Alerts or speak with one of our trained volunteers to see how We are fighting for you.
Livable Communities: Research shows that Baby Boomers are choosing to stay in their homes and communities as long as possible. AARP Florida is working to raise awareness about the need for age-friendly, livable communities that could help make our communities more livable for all generations. We are taking part in in livable community forums, offering Home Fit presentations, offering Smart Driver courses and fighting for safer streets.
Life Reimagined: At 50+, many people feel a need to embrace their “what’s next” in life. To equip you to discover your own Real Possibilities, AARP worked with some of the nation’s top thinkers to create Life Reimagined . At our check-up sessions conducted by a trained Life Reimagined guide, you will find programs, experiences, resources and services to help navigate your new life phase.
Discover more ways AARP Florida is making a difference in your community online.