AARP Eye Center

AARP Ohio State Director Tamara James issued the following statement on the newly adopted state biennium budget:
“AARP is pleased that Medicaid Expansion remained a priority for Governor John Kasich and members of the Ohio General Assembly when they approved the Ohio biennium budget. Their approval means more than 500,000 Ohioans, many of them low-wage workers with no benefits, will continue to receive health coverage through Medicaid.
“Unfortunately, the final version of the “Healthy Ohio” plan requires the Director of Medicaid to seek a federal waiver that would require those covered by Medicaid to pay small monthly premiums in order to receive health care services. This applies at all income levels, which can be harmful to thousands of struggling Ohioans age 50-plus who lost jobs.”
Adult Protective Services
“We also are disappointed that the $20M in funding to counties for Adult Protective Services was not included in the final budget. This is the wrong direction for Ohio. With the older population growing and elder abuse on the rise, cutting this proposed funding for important protections from the budget is a blow to aging Ohioans.”
“AARP would have liked to see legislation adopted to support the 1.7 million Ohioans who serve as family caregivers every day. Language was introduced but not accepted in the final budget. During consideration, however, we heard from a bipartisan group of legislators who are interested in improving support for caregivers. As such, supporting family caregivers is a major issue for AARP, and we look forward to working with legislators and our 1.5 million members statewide to introduce and pass legislation in 2015 that supports caregivers in Ohio.
“Legislation supporting caregivers will be AARP’s number one priority with the Ohio General Assembly this fall.”