The calendar has turned to March, which means basketball, the return of Daylight Savings Time (reminder: turn your clocks ahead an hour this weekend!) and the end of the 100th Legislative Session.
Nearly 20 percent of South Dakotans age 45 and over are currently providing unpaid care to an adult relative or friend. Many of them are juggling those caregiving duties with full- or part-time jobs.
AARP released a report this week showing an estimated 6,267 South Dakotans on Medicare prescription drug plans will see savings thanks to a new out-of-pocket cap that starts January 1, 2025.
Many Americans are on the hunt for the perfect remote job or side hustle, and criminal scammers are ready to exploit these ambitions. With work-from-home jobs increasing in popularity and employment scams on the rise, now is a great time to review the warning signs of a shady job posting.
Find upcoming election dates, registration deadlines and options for voting in South Dakota, such as absentee, early voting or voting with a disability.
South Dakota voters have the opportunity to help their friends and neighbors keep valuable health care coverage by voting NO on Amendment F in November.
AARP South Dakota hosted a tele-town hall for South Dakota veterans and military families to learn more about resources available to them. The recording is available here.