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AARP AARP States Health & Wellbeing

The Nurse Practitioner Would Like to See You Now

Nurses Standing Outside A Hospital
Monkey Business Images

We’ve made great strides by improving health access for millions of previously uninsured Californians. But with more patients on the books, we need to take the necessary steps to ensure they also have access to primary health care services.

AARP in California is working hard to ensure patients can meet with a health care provider by supporting SB 323 which will allow nurse practitioners to practice to the full extent of their training and education.

Please send a message to your Senator TODAY asking them to vote YES on SB 323.

If passed by the California legislature, SB 323 will help California meet the growing demands for accessible, high-quality health care services in community clinics, hospitals and medical centers -- this is particularly important in our rural communities and under-served urban areas.

There are several steps that need to happen between now and September to pass this legislation and AARP would like ask for your help.  Please send a message TODAY to tell your Senator to vote YES on SB 323.

Nineteen other states and the District of Columbia already allow nurse practitioners full practice authority. In addition, decades of evidence demonstrate that nurse practitioners have been providing high quality health care with positive outcomes.

You and your family deserve access to your choice of trained health care professionals in your community.  But to ensure that choice, we need your voice.

Please send a message to your Senator TODAY asking them to vote YES on SB 323. 

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