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AARP Tennessee

Giving 50+ Tennesseans news they can use
MAR 5, 2025
For centuries, games have been a source of excitement, competition, and community. As we age, games provide more than an opportunity for fun. They have also been proven to strengthen and maintain good brain health.
Find upcoming election dates, registration deadlines and voting options in Tennessee, such as absentee or early voting or voting with a disability.
The names of the first 10 Medicare drugs whose prices the federal government will negotiate directly with manufacturers were released Aug. 29. Popular but pricey blood thinners, diabetes medications, cancer treatments make historic list.
JAN 30, 2025
AARP Tennessee will host Scam Jam events designed to help people of all ages recognize, avoid, and fight scams.
State officials are working to ensure that polling locations this fall are as safe as possible for voters amid the coronavirus pandemic.
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic keeping many Tennesseans at home, AARP has sponsored a new series of virtual cooking classes. The FREE classes, taught by Chef John Alunni of Cutting Edge Classrooms, will be held once per month and feature healthy recipes. Since the class sessions will be held online, via Zoom, participants are encouraged to cook alongside Chef John in real time.
Keep up with the latest car technologies, learn safety tips and potentially save money. Older drivers who complete the course could be eligible for a three-year reduction on their car insurance.
Barbara Corcoran explains how an elaborate email scheme almost cost her $400,000
Gov. Bill Lee has ordered all Tennessee residents to stay home, except when engaging in essential activity or essential services as defined in the order. Residents will be able to go to necessary doctor appointments and to the pharmacy or other healthcare necessities, as well as care for family members, a friend or pet in another household if needed.
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Looking for the latest information about COVID-19 in Tennessee? There are lots of reliable resources available and AARP Tennessee wanted to put them in one place for easy reference.
AARP is providing information and resources about COVID-19 to help older Tennesseans, and their families protect themselves from the virus and prevent it from spreading to others.
AARP will host a live Coronavirus Information Tele-Town Hall every Thursday at 12 p.m. (CST). Experts at this week’s live Q&A event will address your questions related to protecting yourself and loved ones from the virus, staying healthy and reducing social isolation.
The last census led to Tennessee receiving roughly $17.3 billion in federal funding for programs such as Medicaid, Medicare and low-income-housing loans in fiscal year 2016
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