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En español | Caregiving may be one of the most important, and challenging, roles you’ll ever take on. No matter where you are in your caregiving journey — starting to plan; taking care of a family member in your home, in a facility, or from a distance; or managing end-of-life caregiving responsibilities — having resources at your fingertips will make the process easier.
AARP developed this family caregiver guide with you, the caregiver, in mind and as a starting point to help you find the services and support you might need throughout your journey.
To order a print copy of this online guide, call the toll-free AARP Family Caregiving Resource Line at 877-333-5885 and indicate which state(s) you would like to receive. A copy will be mailed to you.
General Resources
- Supporting Family Caregivers in Your State
- AARP has a website dedicated to providing you with information about how we’re advocating for caregivers in your state.
- Utah State Division of Aging and Adult Services – Area Agency on Aging (AAA) (877-424-4640 toll-free)
- Aging Services contracts with 12 Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) in Utah to provide free services to residents 60 years and older. Services provided: congregate and home delivered meals, evidence-based health promotion, nutrition, education, in-home assistance, outreach, legal services, transportation, long-term care ombudsman, adult protective services.
- Eldercare Locator (800-677-1116)
- Eldercare Locator is a public service of the U.S. Administration on Aging that connects older adults and their families to services including meals, home care, transportation and more.
- 2-1-1 (2-1-1)
- 211 is a free and confidential number that people across Utah can call or text to find the resources they need, including food pantry locations, legal assistance, tax help, volunteer opportunities and more.
Health Resources
- Utah Department of Health (801-538-6003 | 888-222-2542 toll-free)
- The Utah Department of Health believes that health is critical for enjoying a prosperous life. The site provides information about diseases and conditions, medical screenings, applying for Medicaid and other services.
- The Utah Department of Health believes that health is critical for enjoying a prosperous life. The site provides information about diseases and conditions, medical screenings, applying for Medicaid and other services.
- Utah Department of Health – Age Well (801-538-3910 local | 800-541-7735)
- The Age Well program encourages older adults to get their annual wellness exam and take a three-minute brain health check. Utah State Senior Health Insurance Information Program (SHIP) SHIP provides one-on-one counseling and assistance to people with Medicare and their families. The agency can help with obtaining benefits, filing claims and understanding health care options.
- RxConnect Utah (866-221-0265 toll-free)
- This program, administered by the Utah Department of Health, helps low-income elders and disabled residents pay for their prescription medications. This may include help with paying drug plan premiums and/or other drug costs.
- Medicare (800-MEDICARE | 800-633-4227)
- Medicare’s toll-free line connects callers with sources of more information about local plans and providers. Utahns can also use Medicare’s website to compare home health agencies, long-term care facilities and more.
- Medicare’s toll-free line connects callers with sources of more information about local plans and providers. Utahns can also use Medicare’s website to compare home health agencies, long-term care facilities and more.
- Medicaid (800-662-9651)
- Medicaid is a federal and state program that helps with medical costs for some people with limited income and resources. Medicaid also offers benefits not normally covered by Medicare, including nursing home care and personal care services.
- Medline Plus
- MedlinePlus is an online health information resource for patients and their families and friends, in both English and Spanish. It is a service of the National Library of Medicine (NLM), the world’s largest medical library, which is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
- National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)/Utah (801-323-9900 | 877-230-6264 toll-free)
- NAMI Utah offers free support groups and education for those impacted by mental health conditions throughout Utah and their family members or loved ones. Its popular programs, in English and Spanish, educate and support participants, and offer hope and healing.
Home- and Community-Based Resources
- Utah Long-Term Care Ombudsman (LTCO) (801-538-3924 | 877-424-4640 toll-free)
- Long-term care ombudsmen are advocates for residents of nursing homes, board and care homes, and assisted living facilities. Ombudsmen provide information about how to find a facility and what to do to get quality care. They are trained to resolve problems and can assist residents with complaints.
- Utah Adult Protective Services (APS)
- Regional contacts:
- Salt Lake County: 801-538-3910
- All other counties: 800-371-7897
- APS provides education about and investigates allegations of elder abuse and neglect. Forms of abuse include physical, sexual, emotional and verbal, and financial exploitation.
- Regional contacts:
- Division of Services for People with Disabilities (DSPD) (801-538-4200 |
844-275-3773 toll-free)- The DSPD manages resources for older adults and persons with disabilities and their caregivers. This state agency can provide an overview of aging and caregiver services in the state.
Financial Resources
- AARP Foundation’s Benefits QuickLINK
- Find public benefits that can help you pay for food, medicine, health care, utilities and more by using the AARP Foundation’s Benefits QuickLINK tool.
- Social Security Administration (SSA) (800-772-1213)
- The SSA website offers information on retirement and disability benefits, including how to sign up for Social Security.
- Community Action Partnership (CAP) of Utah (801-433-3025)
- The Community Action Partnership of Utah (CAP Utah) is the statewide association for Utah’s nine Community Action Agencies. The Community Action network works to end poverty in Utah by providing services to low-income families and individuals.
- Utah HEAT Program (866-205-4357 toll-free)
- The HEAT program, administered through the Utah Division of Housing and Community Development, provides financial assistance for residents who are unable to pay utility bills. Weatherization resources may also be available.
- Utah Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) (877-313-4717 | 866-526-3663 toll-free)
- SNAP, formerly known as food stamps, provides monthly nutritional assistance to people who have low income and limited assets to pay for food. SNAP also provides nutritional education.
- Financial Decision-Making Tools from AARP
- The program provides links and information to help you make financial decisions.
Legal Resources
- Utah Legal Services (ULS) (801-328-8891 | 800-662-4245)
- The ULS offers free or low-cost legal services for older adults and provides legal advice, information and assistance with non-criminal problems.
- Utah State Courts SelfHelp Center (SHC) (888-683-0009 toll-free)
- The SHC helps people to understand their rights and responsibilities and provides information about addressing their legal problems if they cannot aff ord an attorney or if they chose not to hire one. Staff attorneys can answer questions about the law, provide court forms and help complete forms.
- Catholic Community Services of Utah (CCS) (801-363-7710)
- The CCS provides emergency assistance and legal advice.
Workplace/Employer Resources
- Supporting Caregivers in the Workplace
- AARP offers valuable resources to help employers create a caregiver friendly workplace.
- Utah Department of Workforce Services (801-526-9675)
- Workforce Services assists individuals in preparing for and finding jobs, meeting workforce needs of Utah businesses, administering temporary assistance, and providing economic data and analysis.
Transportation Resources
- Utah Transit Authority (UTA) (801-743-3882)
- The UTA provides public transportation, paratransit/fl ex routes for eligible riders, and reduced bus fares for seniors.
- Utah Transportation Services for Seniors
- Transportation information and resources for seniors and caregivers in Utah.
Housing Resources
- Utah Housing Corporation (UHC) (801-902-8200 | 800-284-6950)
- The UHC was created by Utah legislation to create a supply of money with which mortgage loans at reasonable interest rates could be used to help provide affordable housing for low- and moderate income persons.
- Utah Non-Profit Housing Corporation (UNPHC) (801-364-6117)
- The UNPHC’s goal is to improve the quality of life by providing decent, safe, affordable housing, focusing on low- and very low-income individuals and families.
Specific Audience Resources
- AARP Caregiving Guides
- AARP offers free caregiving guides for specific audiences, including guides for military families and LGBT individuals. The guides, also offered in Spanish and Chinese, are designed to help develop and implement a caregiving plan.
- Utah Alzheimer’s Association (801-265-1944 | 800-272-3900)
- The Alzheimer’s Association provides resources and support to anyone affected by any form of dementia, including consultations, referrals, support groups, training and education. It also provides a 24/7 helpline, online resources and advocacy.
- U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs – VA Caregiver Support (855-260-3274 toll-free)
- The program provides supports and services for families caring for veterans. It also connects caregivers with local caregiver support programs for veterans.
- SAGE Utah (801-539-8800)
- SAGE Utah focuses on meeting the needs and improving the quality of life for LGBTQ adults as they age. This national organization embraces the LGBTQ community via outreach, support programs, activities, events, education and information sharing. SAGE Utah also offers activities and events and the chance to socialize with others.
AARP Resources for Family Caregivers
- AARP Family Caregiving Website (en español:
- AARP’s Family Caregiving website is your one-stop shop for tips and tools to help you care for a loved one. It has valuable information about handling medical issues, health records and advance directives, home safety, financial and legal issues, caregiver life balance and much more.
- AARP Family Caregiving Resource Line (877-333-5885 toll-free, en español: 888-971-2013 toll-free)
- Connect with a real person and learn how to access local resources via our toll-free family caregiving hotline.
- AARP Family Caregivers Facebook Group
- Join the AARP Family Caregivers Discussion Group on Facebook to connect, ask questions and share ideas with other family caregivers.
- Community Resource Finder
- Community Resource Finder, a joint service from the Alzheimer’s Association and AARP, is a database of dementia- and aging-related resources powered by Carelike. The online tool makes it easy to find local programs and services.
- I Heart Caregivers
- Join the thousands of family caregivers who have shared their experiences through AARP’s storytelling initiative, I Heart Caregivers. Your story will help AARP continue to fight for more support for family caregivers.
- AARP Online Caregiving Community
- Join our community and connect with other caregivers like you.
- AARP HomeFit Guide
- The AARP HomeFit Guide can help individuals and families make their current or future residence age-friendly. It can also help elected officials, policymakers and local leaders learn about and advocate for the types of housing features and designs that communities need so that their residents can live safely and comfortably and thrive.
- National Resources for Family Caregivers
- A listing of national agencies, groups and organizations that can connect family caregivers with direct services and supports.
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