The latest scam making the rounds is asking you to pay a toll through a text. It might look real, but there are a few red flags to watch out for. The Federal Trade Commission recently released a consumer warning about these types of scams.
AARP Utah is a strong supporter of the Utah Food Bank (UFB), with several volunteers who deliver food boxes on a regular basis and a monthly staff service project. So when we donated $8000 to the UFB, our Advocacy Director, Danny Harris, had the idea to challenge our Utah members to match it. We sent letters to each member in the state while the UFB promoted the match challenge on their website, online ads, and through social media. We thought that bringing in an extra $20,000 would exceed any reasonable expectations, so were thrilled that AARP Utah members contributed over $38,000 in checks and online donations. Because the UFB can translate each dollar donated into eight dollars of goods and services, AARP Utah’s total contribution has a value of $373,448! Both the UFB and we were amazed by the enormous generosity of our members in Utah.